Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Comments

Hey Binta I loved your video
i think my favorite part was when you were walking with Edgar..
i liked how you actually started by showing your everyday life and then you showed some of your African side of your life
from your video i got that culture, friendship and family are really important and i think thats really cool

I really love your video, I liked how the camera was always moving around
I liked the song, I think it fit perfectly
I thought it was cool you play sims (( I like that game too lol))

I loved your video! I liked how u put tons of pictures with your little niece cause I know she’s supper important to you. I also liked how u listed a bunch of your friends names and showed pics of them (( you have tons of friends and you like to keep good relationships with people so that’s why you have so many lol))
I also liked how you through in a subliminal message I know your support gay pride and the color wheel at the end is like the gay flag

I saw your video even though you didnt get it up here and i thought it was really cool
the songs you put fit you and everything you put in i could see you doing it like if you werent just wallking with a cammera
i know you like to have fun so i could see that when you were acting out the song lol
((in the car.. acting like you were driving.. no comment.. lol))

I really liked your video
i liked how you showed your friends and family and school and stuff
but i rwally liked the songs you picked because they really fit each section of your video
((i like the first song the best because it really fit the whole theme of highschool))

Thursday, September 18, 2008

History Project...

My Life By Me.. Chelsea G.

My Life By Me... Chelsea G. from Chelsea Grant on Vimeo.

1. What have you included in this video?

In this video I included Things that were important to me. I included pictures of my family and friends (probably like everyone else did). I also chose songs that would make the pictures flow together nicely. I gave my siblings there own sound tracks and my friends a soundtrack also. Since I listen to different types of music the songs I chose are different in genre and sound. I read a lot so I put my favorite series (of the moment) in. I also put things I didn’t exactly know how to categorize. I travel a lot so I put pictures of places I go to most often like Fire Island, Jersey, Harlem, Brooklyn and South Jersey. These are the different places my family goes continuously because we live in all these places. I like bright colors and so I incorporated a lot of colorful things.

2. Explain how different parts of the video relate to your way of life.

I’m multiracial and I show how my family listens to different types of music like songs in Korean and how we eat Indian food and Japanese food regularly. No we are not these races but we are very “mixed” and like to experience different cultures. My family and friends are important to my way of life because I spend most of my time with them. I have 5 siblings and I’m the third oldest so I help take care of my younger siblings a lot. I love taking pictures of things so I’m not in a lot the ones in my video.

3. What’s seems good about your way of life? What’s bad? What’s neutral?

I think it’s good that I have a good sense of stability within my friendships and family relationships. I think its good that I do things with them and I stay away from most things people my age usually do that isn’t so good for them. What s bad is maybe that I don’t spend enough time doing things I find fun and interesting.. im always doing things to better my futer instead of living in the present.

4. What would you have liked to have included, that is important to your way of life, but weren't able to?

I would have liked to include other things I like to do like playing with my sisters and more videos of what I actually do daily.
5. What’s going on with your way of life? What seems to be the general pattern or direction or point or situation?
There is a reoccurring them in my video of travel and movement because im always moving form one place to another
6. Does your way of life seem like a “typical American Way of Life”? Why or why not?
I think my way of life is very common may be I read a little more and maybe my family is a little more open-minded than most but I think hanging out with friends and family is very commen.

-Chelsea ♥

Monday, September 15, 2008

Test Blog

Chelsea's Test Blog...