Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Comments

Hey Binta I loved your video
i think my favorite part was when you were walking with Edgar..
i liked how you actually started by showing your everyday life and then you showed some of your African side of your life
from your video i got that culture, friendship and family are really important and i think thats really cool

I really love your video, I liked how the camera was always moving around
I liked the song, I think it fit perfectly
I thought it was cool you play sims (( I like that game too lol))

I loved your video! I liked how u put tons of pictures with your little niece cause I know she’s supper important to you. I also liked how u listed a bunch of your friends names and showed pics of them (( you have tons of friends and you like to keep good relationships with people so that’s why you have so many lol))
I also liked how you through in a subliminal message I know your support gay pride and the color wheel at the end is like the gay flag

I saw your video even though you didnt get it up here and i thought it was really cool
the songs you put fit you and everything you put in i could see you doing it like if you werent just wallking with a cammera
i know you like to have fun so i could see that when you were acting out the song lol
((in the car.. acting like you were driving.. no comment.. lol))

I really liked your video
i liked how you showed your friends and family and school and stuff
but i rwally liked the songs you picked because they really fit each section of your video
((i like the first song the best because it really fit the whole theme of highschool))

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