Monday, February 9, 2009

Birth / Horror Stories..

Birth Story One:
The pregnant woman developed diabetes towards the end of her pregnancy. She had gone to the doctors for a check up they made her stay because of the diabetes. she didn't realise she was in labor ( her water didn't break the doctor broke it) she showed the doctor the "cool trick[her] belly was doing". she was having contractions. She was mad when they moved her to a room with no television or phone. Was in labor for five hours. Her husband was with her during the birth telling her jokes. when she laughed it hurt so she would yell at him. the baby was premature (about a month early). The baby developed jaundice and stayed in the hospital in something similar to a "tanning bed". The woman later found out that her doctor was drunk and her mother screamed at the doctor for telling her her baby had downs syndrome without taking any tests and assuming that because she had little ears without noticing that the mother of the baby had small ears.{jack ass}. The woman also had no drugs and had the baby naturally. She had her baby on a Friday and went to work Monday.
Best part: Seeing the baby
Worst Part: Being with a a phone or television while giving birth
What a true American.

Birth Story two:

The same women having her second child was out at Fire Island for memorial day. She didn't want to leave so she waited the weekend and when she came home she went to the doctor because "the tops of [her] feet jiggled when she walked". She had developed Toxemia. Her Labor was endused. When she was in labor they wouldn't give her her lunch so she was angry about this. the nurses were actually eating their lunches around her which increased her irritability. She was in labor for three hours and her husband and mother were there. As soon as baby and mother could leave the hospital they both went out to Fire Island.

Birth story three:

This pregnant woman was concerned about the climate her baby was born in. She moved to St. Thomas before the baby was expected to be born. Then she found out how babies were delivered in St.Thomas. They had midwives instead of doctors, no drugs, they tied the woman down and the midwife massaged the baby out also the food was "fungi[westindian dish]" and other west indian foods. So she moved bak to NY after lying to the airport and saying she was 6 months rather than seven.(after 6 they wont allow you on a plane). In the hospital in NY she developed pre eclampsia and toximia and was forced to stay in the hospital for weeks before the baby was born. She would bribed her vistiors to bring her chinese food because the dotors had her on a strict diet. She had no family with her when she gave birth because it was early in the morning. she was shocked about babies apperaence she said she looked like an "angry bird"
Best part: seeing cleaned up baby
worst: lack of support (it was 4 in the morning so no one was there)

Birth Story Four:
This same womens second child was over due. doctors didnt believe her when she said how far along she was and because she didnt recieve any prenatal care she had viatamions left over from her first child. when she had the baby it was so big she had to have a c-setion.

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