Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reaction to Youtube Clips...

Dolphin birth:
Ewww! Oh gosh that's traumatizing.. For some reason tons of people were cheering as the dolphin gave birth. That would make anyone or thing nervous. i thought the fact that the dolphin was in a tank (closed environment) would also make the birth difficult. The poor dolphin was also alone.. horrible. The swimming in circles seemed to calm the dolphin. She could have just been freaking out because of the constraints of the tank. Like most births the mother rushes to make sure the baby is ok and nurtures it.
((when i saw the baby dolphin my first thought was what if the baby cant swim! screwed.))

Giraffe Birth:
Oh Barf! First thought: can a giraffe squat?it might make giving birth easier.. Is the Giraffe sticking it's head out like that because its pushing the baby giraffe out?? Could the Mom breaks the baby's neck by accident, while pushing??? Momma Giraffe has support. There's another giraffe with her helping the baby out. The mother looks focused and there are not too many irritating people too close. Also she is out in a more natural habitat so that has to be more comfortable. Once again maternal instincts kicked in and he looked back to check on baby. ((but she didn't teach the baby how to walk, she just let him wing it!))

Vaginal Birth:
Not as horrifying as i was expecting.In this clip the woman's birthing environment was calm. She was with people who had her best interests in mind and who were trying to keep the woman relaxed. Everything went well, no complications. IT was cool that the husband (with help) delivered the baby. Although that is not the typical in America it makes the most sense. During a stressful experience it is more relaxing to have someone you know and trust with you and helping you throughout it rather than someone who has there own interests in mind.

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