Saturday, January 24, 2009

Marx Assignment

Marx’s Labor Theory of Value is basically the idea that with every thesis an anti- thesis is created. Then a synthesis combining elements of both the thesis and anti-thesis. Labor is the fuel of capitalism. Marx compared capitalists to vampires because they suck labor and surplus value from workers like vampires suck blood and life. Marx believed that feudalism was the thesis while capitalism was the anti-thesis and socialism was the synthesis of the two.

Base and superstructure is the basic pattern of capitalism. It has ups and downs and each time the higher points are higher but with the way it is structured the lower points get deeper and deeper every time it almost crashes.

Inauguration Day Assignment

YAY Mr. President Obama is officially the president! I think all of America (aside from white supremacists and a few critics of Obama) are extremely happy. Like I’ve said previously our new president has restored hope in Americans and now we have to wait and see what he’s going to accomplish. Hopefully he wont disappoint us.. but any way.. I was very surprised their were no arrests made and that everything went so smoothly. When seeing the Obamas standing next to the Bushes I couldn’t help but notice how they were complete opposites. Physically the Obamas are tall, young and African-American , they are also democrats and they look like really nice people and they have a loving relationship. The Bushes looked the complete opposite. They are short, white, old and republican. When they are together they look cold and detached.

I appreciated that one of the people who spoke quoted the lyrics of “lift every voice and sing” also known as the black national anthem. I thought it was a little inappropriate to have a rapper performing at the inaugural ball. I thought it was made a little too personal rather than formal. He is now the president everyone should show him some respect for his title and not everyone know him personally. I understand he is a very neighborhood oriented man but some of the balls were treated like concerts and I didn’t like that much.

President Obama accomplished the basic American dream. He grew up poor and made it to the highest from of government in our country. He became something from nothing and that’s what most people aspire to do in our country.

MLK response

Based on what I’ve recently learned about martin Luther King Jr I think America tends to glorify certain people. Like Andy stated MLK supported a lot of important things but he wasn’t a saint, he had affairs and did other very human things. People don’t acknowledge his mistakes or even everything he believed in . his ideals are sugar coated and conformed into things that wont question or go against the traditional AWOL. America supports radical ideas after they become the norm but when people are fighting for them they aren’t supported at all. The government didn’t support equal rights for African Americans and Caucasian people. Americans didn’t support equal rights for women and men in the beginning.Just like MLK was glorified so was Hellen Keller. She was portrayed as someone who overcame great obstacles yet her views werent as higly known.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Part C

Does the 14th amendment combine with the earlier “no religious test” clause to guarantee a vision of a diverse and equitable society with no government discrimination?

I believe it does. The 14th amendment gives equal citizenship, equal chances of getting into an U.S. office, equal apportionment of Representatives. Religion dose not play a role in enforcing this. The 14th amendment and article six both denounce discrimination between gender, race and religion. Article six doesn't disclude ertain religions from federal employment of the U.S. office and the 14th amendment helps slaves become official citizens of the U.S.

Amendments 12, 13, 14 and 15 are often referred to as a major turning point in US government policy. Explain the importance of these amendments:

Amendment 12: Presidential Elections
Provides the procedure by which the president and vice president are elected.
Amendment 13: Abolition of Slavery
Officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime.
Amendment 14: Civil Rights
States and maintains civil rights of people of the US.
Amendment 15: Black Suffrage
Prohibits each government in the US to prevent a citizen from voting based on the citizen’s race.

These amendments were not only major turning points in the U.S. government but also American history. These amendments are the baisic structure of our society. It gives every american equal rights ( and makes slaves american citizens), maintains cival rights, and allows the right to vote no matter what your race which makes the government more equal.

Describe the amendment from the rest of the list (16-27) that you find most significant and make an argument for why we should consider it especially important:
Amendment 16: Income Taxes- important because taxes pay for public resourses
Amendment 22: Term Limits for the Presidency-important because if we didnt have them we would be stuck with one leader for ever and if that leader was wrong for america we wouldnt be able to do anything about it (like being stuck with Bush forever.. horrible.)
Amendment 17: Senatorial Elections- important because the poeple should get to have some say in the government
Amendment 18: Prohibition of Liquor
Amendment 19: Woman’s Suffrage
Amendment 20: Terms of Office
Amendment 21: Repeal of Prohibition
Amendment 23: Washington D.C. Suffrage
Amendment 24: Abolition of Poll Taxes
Amendment 25: Presidential Succession
Amendment 26: 18-year-old Suffrage
Amendment 27: Congressional Pay Raises

Amendment 19, i feel, is the most important from 18-27 because it gives equal power to people decpite gender. I feel this is just as important as making laws equal betweeen race (amendment 15) and religion.

Part B

“Full Faith & Credit” -
So this part of the constitution declares that each state can make its own laws and that these laws can be different in each state. For Gay Marriage this means that if a gay couple in a certain state wants to get married and the state they live in won't allow gay marriage, the couple can get married in another state that does permit marriage between same sex couples. The couples marriage will be legal because this article in the constitution allows it.

Supreme Law of the Land & No Religious Test-
Supposedly the supreme law of the land is the constitution. The idea that No religion should be separate from the government is supposed to make America feel that different religions can be practised in America with little judgement. It makes the country seem like religion is not a key factor in America. It allows Americans to have freedom of religion and not having it count against them if they choose to run for any office in the United States.

4th amendment-
This amendment states that the government can't invade someones home and search it/seize without good reason. I think this has really been altered because after 9/11 the government became much more strict and paranoid. I believe the attacks have made our government feel venerable so now they are over compensating when they should have just been more safe to begin with.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Part A

1. Gives Americans the right to protection from their government
2. Is supposed to make Americans have a loser bond
3. Ensure liberty, safety and equality
4. Divided the power of the government into 2 house with “equal power” to balance each other and ensure equality among all. Yea right.

Legislative Branch:
Power divided into two groups. The House of representatives and the senate. even though they are in the same branch they have different jobs. the house of reps is made up of representatives from each state to represent the issues per state, voted by the people. The senate is decided by state legislators. Power is supposed to be kept equal amongst the two sections of the branch and each state, this is necessary to keep the larger states from pushing down the smaller states and overpowering them. each branch keeps their own records of the things they do and the laws they determine. this house has the responsibility to create bills, which become laws if they pass through the other branches. Their other responsibilities include collecting taxes,declaring war,claiming resources and controlling the navy.

Executive Branch:
This branch consists of the president and vice president. the president is not directly elected by the people but they do have a say. Legislatures from other houses have the majority of the say when it comes to electing the president.The president is the commander in chief of the navy and army if he (or she) decides to go to war. The main responsibility of the president is to keep up trusties with other countries and control state affairs. The president is elected by legislators but one loop hole is that the president can elect supreme court justices. The congress can impeach the president though, but that is an extremely long process.

Judicial Branch:
This branch is the supreme court. Their main responsibility is to take cases that question if an act was unconstitutional. They also take cases dealing with treason,crimes having to do with treaties or federal law.They try to keep peace between states, also states personal laws don't affect their decisions. The supreme court an also amend sections of the constitution as they feel necessary.

Each branch has a loop hole so that they can get around the "equal" sharing of powrr between them. The onstitution is full of lies an manipulation of the trouth and equality.

walmart trampling?!

They were rushing to get into Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart is already a discounted store! What possible sales could be so important that no one would stop to help up the man they were trampling to death? I find it completely incredible how something like this is even possible of happening. Even though I’m not surprised. Black Friday is always a dangerous idea. But it is a good example of how making money is the most important thing in America. Wal-Mart should have bumped up their security but instead making money was their main priority. Now a man is dead and his blood is on many peoples hands. Or more likely heels.

Winter Break..Christmas..Kwanzaa... New Year.

Once again, another consumerist holiday. Christmas time is when major corporations make the most money. They do extra advertising people spend more and more money. It’s lovely, isn’t it? But the excitement of Christmas has been slowly dwindling. Now that we are officially in a recession, there is less money to be spent… everywhere. This was my baby sisters first Christmas and it was nothing like Christmas when I was younger. Everyone was on a budget and the gifts were less extravagant than they should have been. Money is a major part of the American way of life. Now that there is less to circulate around everyone is a little disappointed. It didn’t feel like Christmas and no one was really jolly except my four year old sister.

So Christmas was a little disappointing but if the economy picks up in 2009, Christmas next year should be great.

My winter break goes against the typical American holiday celebration. This year I celebrated Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is a very cultural holiday. There are specific traditions that need to be fallowed while celebrating it. You have to be very respectful and thoughtful during this holiday. During other basic American holidays people just focus on relaxing and doing things that everyone else is doing. American Holidays focus on loss of friendliness, loss of inhibitions and doing what everyone else is doing.

Thanksgiving and Black friday

America is a very consumerist country. Even Holidays (which are supposed to be family oriented) are centered on shopping. Not that I’m complaining, this is what I’ve grown up believing in. This is what most Americans are used to. But Black Friday makes everyone insane. Not only is it unsafe to innocent shoppers physical health, but I believe it also isn’t safe mentally. Just because the word “sale” is near an item, people feel like they need it and MUST buy it. Usually its something completely useless and that you don’t need. People try to legitimize why they need these random things that they will probably never use or use once. Americans buy gifts fro every holiday. Black Friday is just another example of every other American Holiday. That’s why American Holidays have lost their initial meaning and value.

Buy nothing day on the other hand is the complete opposite of the average American way of life. It goes against everything America is used to. Instead of fitting in to societies expectations of obsessive shopping, people choose not to.