Saturday, January 3, 2009

Part A

1. Gives Americans the right to protection from their government
2. Is supposed to make Americans have a loser bond
3. Ensure liberty, safety and equality
4. Divided the power of the government into 2 house with “equal power” to balance each other and ensure equality among all. Yea right.

Legislative Branch:
Power divided into two groups. The House of representatives and the senate. even though they are in the same branch they have different jobs. the house of reps is made up of representatives from each state to represent the issues per state, voted by the people. The senate is decided by state legislators. Power is supposed to be kept equal amongst the two sections of the branch and each state, this is necessary to keep the larger states from pushing down the smaller states and overpowering them. each branch keeps their own records of the things they do and the laws they determine. this house has the responsibility to create bills, which become laws if they pass through the other branches. Their other responsibilities include collecting taxes,declaring war,claiming resources and controlling the navy.

Executive Branch:
This branch consists of the president and vice president. the president is not directly elected by the people but they do have a say. Legislatures from other houses have the majority of the say when it comes to electing the president.The president is the commander in chief of the navy and army if he (or she) decides to go to war. The main responsibility of the president is to keep up trusties with other countries and control state affairs. The president is elected by legislators but one loop hole is that the president can elect supreme court justices. The congress can impeach the president though, but that is an extremely long process.

Judicial Branch:
This branch is the supreme court. Their main responsibility is to take cases that question if an act was unconstitutional. They also take cases dealing with treason,crimes having to do with treaties or federal law.They try to keep peace between states, also states personal laws don't affect their decisions. The supreme court an also amend sections of the constitution as they feel necessary.

Each branch has a loop hole so that they can get around the "equal" sharing of powrr between them. The onstitution is full of lies an manipulation of the trouth and equality.

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