Saturday, January 24, 2009

Inauguration Day Assignment

YAY Mr. President Obama is officially the president! I think all of America (aside from white supremacists and a few critics of Obama) are extremely happy. Like I’ve said previously our new president has restored hope in Americans and now we have to wait and see what he’s going to accomplish. Hopefully he wont disappoint us.. but any way.. I was very surprised their were no arrests made and that everything went so smoothly. When seeing the Obamas standing next to the Bushes I couldn’t help but notice how they were complete opposites. Physically the Obamas are tall, young and African-American , they are also democrats and they look like really nice people and they have a loving relationship. The Bushes looked the complete opposite. They are short, white, old and republican. When they are together they look cold and detached.

I appreciated that one of the people who spoke quoted the lyrics of “lift every voice and sing” also known as the black national anthem. I thought it was a little inappropriate to have a rapper performing at the inaugural ball. I thought it was made a little too personal rather than formal. He is now the president everyone should show him some respect for his title and not everyone know him personally. I understand he is a very neighborhood oriented man but some of the balls were treated like concerts and I didn’t like that much.

President Obama accomplished the basic American dream. He grew up poor and made it to the highest from of government in our country. He became something from nothing and that’s what most people aspire to do in our country.

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