Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thanksgiving and Black friday

America is a very consumerist country. Even Holidays (which are supposed to be family oriented) are centered on shopping. Not that I’m complaining, this is what I’ve grown up believing in. This is what most Americans are used to. But Black Friday makes everyone insane. Not only is it unsafe to innocent shoppers physical health, but I believe it also isn’t safe mentally. Just because the word “sale” is near an item, people feel like they need it and MUST buy it. Usually its something completely useless and that you don’t need. People try to legitimize why they need these random things that they will probably never use or use once. Americans buy gifts fro every holiday. Black Friday is just another example of every other American Holiday. That’s why American Holidays have lost their initial meaning and value.

Buy nothing day on the other hand is the complete opposite of the average American way of life. It goes against everything America is used to. Instead of fitting in to societies expectations of obsessive shopping, people choose not to.

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